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Archive for the 'Jake' Category

Team Tripawds Represented

• April 26, 2014

    After a flat tire (and no Jack) on the interstate this morning, finally arrived at my first triathlon of the season. The kickoff started with a group of triathletes pulling disabled kids in boats across the pool, tear jerker #1. Swim was horrible, and I was vowing never to get in a pool […]

Dear Jake…

• March 25, 2014

  Video’s of my Jake:   Jake1    Jake2 Dear Jake, Its been two months since you’ve been gone. Two months without you at the foot of my bed, without you excited to see me when I walk in the door from work, without you crawling up next to me looking for a belly rub. It’s been […]

A Dog’s Last Will & Testament

• February 28, 2014

This was posted by a Tripawd member the day after Jake earned his wings. It looks just like him and brings tears to my eyes every time I see it.  

Angel Jake

• January 28, 2014