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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

We welcome Tripawd Roscoe

• March 23, 2015

It’s been awhile since I’ve updated this blog. Over a year ago it started as my blue eyed Jakes page, and so much has changed in that year. My best friend Jake became an angel and with his wings he fluttered two more little pups into my heart. My Tanner has been such a light […]

Tanner would like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday

• December 11, 2014

Merry Christmas from Tanner (guest appearance by big sister Bella)! I wish our Jake could be here, he loved opening presents on Christmas. His tail wagged non-stop on christmas morning. This will our first Christmas without him and our first Christmas with the Tanner-man. I have no doubt he will keep us busy laughing all morning long. […]

Three Tripawds for a Cause

• October 26, 2014

These three, Dorey, Tanner and Cooper met this morning for the first time after they ran across the finish line for the Dorey and her story 5K. Dorey was adopted a couple months ago from the same rescue Tanner came from and like Tanner was picked up as a stray after being hit by a […]

August Birthdays and Ampuversaries OH MY…….

• August 16, 2014

August is cause for many celebrations around here! Happy 13th Birthday to my handsome blue-eyed Jake in Heaven!!! Not one single day goes by that I don’t wish he was here. I love him and will miss him forever. I send a million kisses to heaven for you every day Mr. Man. Happy 2nd Birthday (and 1 year […]

Being more dog

• June 17, 2014

Whoever said a girls best friend were diamonds, never owned a dog. I’m not quite sure how I ended up with two of the greatest dogs on earth….maybe part of it is that all dogs are great really. Not only are they great, but they can teach us so many life lessons if we care […]

Tanner at 4,000 ft

• May 25, 2014

He did it! He hiked the highest peak in Shenandoah Nat’l park today. This was his first real hike so we cheated by starting at the halfway point, BUT he climbed over boulders and through rocks no problem! I’m so proud of him. Last time we were here, Jake was with us. I just know Jake […]

Ridiculous cuteness…

• May 23, 2014

Just in case anyone needed some extra cuteness to kick off the Memorial Day Weekend, Tanner is to the rescue!      

A Tanner Blanket

• May 14, 2014

Every time I sit down, this is what happens. I get covered in a Tanner blanket. Its almost as if every time he plops down on me he says “thank you thank you thank you for letting me be here”. It melts my heart every single time. I just hug on him and say “No […]

Team Tripawds Represented

• April 26, 2014

    After a flat tire (and no Jack) on the interstate this morning, finally arrived at my first triathlon of the season. The kickoff started with a group of triathletes pulling disabled kids in boats across the pool, tear jerker #1. Swim was horrible, and I was vowing never to get in a pool […]

Meet the fur-fam….

• April 17, 2014

      I felt like I needed to post some pics of “the girls” since they are just as much our babies 🙂 So without further adieu, may I introduce to you the rest of the fur-fam…. This is Baby, laying next to our Jake a couple days before he passed away. Baby did […]