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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

National Puppy Day!

• March 22, 2014

  Puppies Rock! Remembering my Jake on National Puppy Day, this was his first trip to the river. He was wide eyed at the water, right next to his Buddy and then went for it!! He had an amazing soul. Even as a puppy, he taught me that sometimes you have to stare life down […]

My dog, my friend

• March 13, 2014

  We are all really missing you my sweet Jake, my dog, my friend.  

Life is Goooood!

• March 11, 2014

Doggie park, treat filled kong and now I’m all snugglez! You can’t tell by the smile on my face? Life is Goooood!

1 month Angelversary

• March 3, 2014

I can’t believe its been one month since you became an angel Jake. I still find tufts of your hair around, and I found one of your toys hidden under the laundry hamper in the bedroom. I thought I caught a glimpse of you laying on the floor, by the sofa the other day. I […]

A Dog’s Last Will & Testament

• February 28, 2014

This was posted by a Tripawd member the day after Jake earned his wings. It looks just like him and brings tears to my eyes every time I see it.  

Doggie Pool

• February 22, 2014

I think my pawrents were hoping to leave some of my energy behind at the doggie pool today but I just wasn’t so sure about a bowl full of water THAT big. I finally got in up to my elbows but I wasn’t going ANY further 🙂 We tried a life vest but that was […]