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We welcome Tripawd Roscoe

It’s been awhile since I’ve updated this blog. Over a year ago it started as my blue eyed Jakes page, and so much has changed in that year. My best friend Jake became an angel and with his wings he fluttered two more little pups into my heart. My Tanner has been such a light for me. He is silly and sweet and is one of the most loving dogs I’ve ever met. This week Jake opened my heart to Roscoe. I have said so many times that if I ever saw a Tripawd Boston Terrier we would be in trouble (never believing for once second I would ever see one). Little Roscoe is a fighter. It’s obvious he once belonged to someone because he’s housebroken, but whoever graced his life before his rescue is one sorry soul. Roscoe is a very poorly bred BT and he is paying the physical price for it. As if that alone weren’t enough, his tail is the product of an at home hack job (either scissors or rubber band, we aren’t quite sure) and he became a tripawd because someone decided wrapping a rubber band around a fixable injured paw was their preferred method of treatment. Roscoe is scared, he has anxiety and I’m pretty sure all he really wants in life is to lay beside someone on the sofa and have his belly rubbed. He is a GOOD dog. He is a SWEET dog. How anyone in the world could ever hurt him I will never know. I never expected to have a second dog, we have a full house already; but, when I saw him I could feel Jakes angel wings on me and how could I ever say no to that?     

~ by elizabeth on March 23, 2015 .

3 Responses to “We welcome Tripawd Roscoe”

  1.   trituck Says:

    What a wonderful addition to your family, Elizabeth 🙂

    Tanner will have a wonderful companion to burn off his energy!

    And Jake sure had his hand in this one.

    What a lucky pup Roscoe is to have his forever home with you.


    Linda and Tucker

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