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August Birthdays and Ampuversaries OH MY…….

August is cause for many celebrations around here! Happy 13th Birthday to my handsome blue-eyed Jake in Heaven!!! Not one single day goes by that I don’t wish he was here. I love him and will miss him forever. I send a million kisses to heaven for you every day Mr. Man. Happy 2nd Birthday (and 1 year ampuversary) to my crazy-man Tanner!!! For those that don’t know, I adopted Tanner 2 weeks after my Jake passed away. The laughter he has brought us is priceless. Jake used to love it when I laughed, he would get so crazy. I know Jake had a purpose in this little guy. Happy Celebrations all around!!

Jake 2Tanner 2TannerJake

~ by elizabeth on August 16, 2014 .

4 Responses to “August Birthdays and Ampuversaries OH MY…….”

  1.   snoop Says:

    Good wishes for Jake on his 13th. I’m sure he’s running and playing! Your photos of him and Tanner are beautiful Elizabeth.

    Esther and her Angel Snoop

  2.   benny55 Says:

    I could stare and these handsome and cute boys all day long!!

    I KNOW you miss Jake every single day…some days are a fun memory just pops in your head and makes you smile…or a memory can make you sad.
    But one thought that stays consistenet…Jake lived a life of meaning full of purpose. And through you, Jake will continue to touch lives snd inspire so many.

    ELIZABETH, thanks for making us smile today in a way that celebrates these two magnificent souls! Jake wants to make it a fun day filled with memories that make you laugh! Of course, you can always just look at that adorable Tanner and break out into laughter!

    Love you Elizabeth! An extra ear scratch for Tanner today!

    Sally and Happy Hannah and My Pal Merry Myrtle Mae!

  3.   jerry Says:

    Beautiful, handsome boys, I totalllllly believe all our animals come to us for specific lessons and reasons. Even though you are now an angel, Tanner, your lessons continue for eternity, what a wonderful gift!

    xoxoxo Hoppy Birthday boys!

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