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Meet the fur-fam….




I felt like I needed to post some pics of “the girls” since they are just as much our babies 🙂 So without further adieu, may I introduce to you the rest of the fur-fam….

This is Baby, laying next to our Jake a couple days before he passed away. Baby did not normally lay with him. He was on the sofa and she snuggled right up next to him. I love this picture because it shows simple love and compassion. I think Baby knew, and this was her own way of comforting him. Baby is one of the sweetest cats I have ever known. I’m not exactly sure what her story is other than she was found somewhere without a mom and hadn’t been weaned. The shelter had given her 2 rounds of vaccinations and spayed her (she was only 1.5 lbs)! So she was pretty sick when I adopted her. My BF carried her around with him, nursed her back to health, and now his shoulder is her most favorite spot. She still thinks he’s her mom 🙂


Baby and Jake


This is Pearl (named after the Black Pearl, my daughters favorite Pirates of the Caribbean movie). Two years ago, just a few weeks after my 20 year old kitty Charlie passed away, I saw this little girl sitting in our yard. She looked like a beat up rag doll and wouldn’t let any of us near her. I put food out for her every day on our porch. If we even looked at her through the window she ran away. About a year later, and lots of patience on our part, she let us pet her. Fast forward another year, and she’s now a full time house kitty. She’s just a tiny girl but she is full of fire! Don’t let that cute face fool you, she’s as tough as they get 🙂



This is Bella (the crazy Calico in the background). She is the matriarch of the house. She was adopted with Baby. They aren’t litter mates, but might as well be. Bella’s only care in life is food. God forbid her bowl be half empty! She has been the first one to befriend Tanner. He tried to chase her many times and learned a few hard lessons about cats along the way…now he bows down to her. Just the way she wants it 🙂

photo (3)

Bella and Tanner



~ by elizabeth on April 17, 2014 .

5 Responses to “Meet the fur-fam….”

  1.   benny55 Says:

    It’s sooo good to see those baby blues of Jake…sick or not…they stil shine so beighty and he looks so content. Clealy sweet Baby is helping co fort him…probably a whole lot of “cmmjnication” going on between those two.

    Poor Tanner! You are soo outnumbered! If I were you, I’d stay close to Baby and far, far away from Pearl and Bella!! Pretty kittiesbut perhaps a touch to bossy for a sweet up like you!

    REGARDLESS,,, ALL are very, very lucky to have found such a beautiful forever home!

    Thanks for sharing your family…very, very nice!


    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2.   mom2shelby Says:

    Thank you for sharing the photos of the kitties!!! It’s definitely great to see your whole fur-family! And I love Tanner’s face… adorable! AND those blue eyes are amazing…

    They are lucky animals for sure! very blessed to have such a great mom!


  3.   jerry Says:

    Oh that is so neat! I love how these kids just know which house and family to pick out. They won the lotto when they found you. Gorgeous, lovely kitties. Thanks for the intro.

  4.   Karma Says:

    You sure do have such a similar fur family. I love your little matriarch all belly up and chill, like yo, what’s up? Too cute. And your Jake was such a beautiful guy. very striking with those pretty blue eyes on he soft black background.

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