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My dog, my friend



We are all really missing you my sweet Jake, my dog, my friend.



~ by elizabeth on March 13, 2014 .

5 Responses to “My dog, my friend”

  1.   trituck Says:


    Hugs to all

    Linda and Tucker

  2.   jerry Says:

    I am completely convinced. God = Dog.

  3.   fourminipups Says:

    So special – thanks for sharing.

    Luanne and Spirit Shooter

  4.   benny55 Says:

    Elizabeth and the Handsme Blue-eyed Jake!

    Yeah, oh yeah, the tears are flowing. This is exquisite! Thank yo so much for sharing such a lovely sentiment.

    And the picture of Jake…two best buds sharing neheart…so beautiful

    I’m so glad you are continui g to share yor precious Jake with us AND staying on the site i such a supportive way! I know Jake is beaming down with pride! He’s telling all his heavenly doggy friends what great human partners you were for him and how he learned what love was from yoj and your family! When yo feel a really windy day…that’s just Jake wagging his tail so fasg everytime he tinks of you, it cause a windstorm down here!!

    Please keep Jake’s blog going. We all love him so and want to get to kow him even

    Love and hugs to all!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  5.   bcullom Says:

    This beautiful poem is, without a doubt, one of the sweetest poems I have ever read……Thank you for sharing it, and thank you for sharing this very touching picture of Jake with his much loved friend……

    Keeping him and you in my thoughts, and also in my heart tonight…..

    Bonnie & Angel Polly

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