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Doggie Pool


I think my pawrents were hoping to leave some of my energy behind at the doggie pool today but I just wasn’t so sure about a bowl full of water THAT big. I finally got in up to my elbows but I wasn’t going ANY further 🙂 We tried a life vest but that was just weird. Plus, what a hazard those floors were, they are very slippery and I slid around all over the place. I think my pawrents are going to ask for the rubber mats in the doggie wash to be placed around the pool for my visits…


~ by elizabeth on February 22, 2014 .

3 Responses to “Doggie Pool”

  1.   jerry Says:

    Oooh you know for some pups it just takes longer to get used to the water. Our own Wyatt Ray took 3 years but now he loooooves swimming. You’ll get there!

  2.   benny55 Says:

    Elizabeth qnd Tanner!!

    I’m just now catching up on your posts/blogs!, And a new soul has entered your life so he can now what love feels like! WOW! Tanner, you have no idea how lucky you arez,

    I love the “commentry” about that dreaded bowl of water! Perfect! You look so handsome AND you look so focused on getting as far away from that water as possible!

    I’ve got to go catch up on your “backstory”. I’m SURE Jake had his pawprint all over this union of you and your new family!

    Really look forward to followingyour journey and next pool adventure!

    Elizabeth, where in Richmond is this PT/pool located?

    Sending love to you and Lucky Tanner…and always holding Sweet Jake in our hearts!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

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